Joseph Pachman


After receiving his PhD in Clinical/Health Psychology, Dr. Pachman completed medical school at the University of Connecticut and residency training at Yale University Medical Center where he also received a MPH. He later completed his MBA at Fairfield University. Uniquely, Dr. Pachman is a Fellow of the American College of Occupational & Environmental Medicine (ACOEM) and is board certified by the American Board of Professional Psychologists (ABPP).

Dr. Pachman has over twenty-five years of clinical experience including leading two hospital-based occupational medicine programs. Dr. Pachman was most recently the National Medical Director of Liberty Mutual where he led a team of medical directors. He has authored numerous peer reviewed studies and chapters including sentinel work related to medical necessity (while consulting to the United Nations Occupational Medicine Department) as well as value based medical care (while working at GE Corporate Medical). While at GE, Dr. Pachman also helped lead disability management and Employee Assistance Program initiatives.  He has been an invited speaker at many national conferences including RIMS and AOHC.  He recently received a Governor’s Citation for his work on developing medical treatment guidelines in New York that “fundamentally changed the delivery of health care to injured workers.”